Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Roommates with coke habits and drinking problems

So I havent updated in over 6 months. Here's my fullproof excuse: I just started college. And to fortify my bulletproof excuse even more: I go to University of San Francisco. For those of you fortunate enough to not understand what this entails, allow me to detail what has occured in these short 6-8 months


1. My roommate (we'll call her Psycho) spray painted our room on our first day
2. Psycho gets us lost when she's wasted, then proceeds to have a mental breakdown in front of someone's house while pissing herself
3. I leave for Napa with a few friends. Bad move. Psycho opens my 10 year old $500 bottle of Cristal that I saved for my 18th birthday
4. Psycho's boyfriend breaks up with her. All hell breaks loose: She stops taking showers, sleeps all day, develops a friendship with Taaka vodka... alcoholism ensues, and leaves rotting food and soiled panties in room.
5. I go to Los Angeles with friends (clearly I'm stupid and can't learn from past mistakes). Room is trashed. Beer cans in my printer. MY clothes everywhere. My bed slept on... and puked on.
6. Psycho gets fingered by a gay man in our room as I was watching tv
7. Psycho stops talking to everyone but me. Oh joy.
8. Psycho develops a coke habit
9. Psycho gets a DUI and is forced into intensive outpatient rehab.
10. Psych drops out of school

Fall 2009 basically consisted of me taking care of an inebriated gigantic baby: holding a bag up to her mouth as she pukes, limiting her drug use so I can avoid spending the night in the ER, and following her on her drunk "adventures" around the haight so she doesn't get killed and raped by a cracked out washed out hippie.

Needless to say I had my hands full

So semester 2 started a couple months ago. I took that time to mentally recuperate from my 24/7 babysitting job and IM BACK. Rejoice!

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