Monday, August 24, 2009

My mom has multiple personality disorder.

Parents - the chains around your ankles until you've managed to a) runaway b) obtain a stable job and stable income c) die d) turn 18.

A major unreadable, unpredictable, unsolvable, hieroglyph. Allow me my whiny bitch moment for a minute or two here. My mom reminds me of a nazi sometimes, the nazis promised to be all nice and fix germany, next thing you know the germans have the holocaust and the worst inflation in history under their belts. Yup... sounds like mom. Complaining about parents will come up regularly in this blog.

Problems with parents:

1. Multiple Personality Disorder

eg) independence -
Personality #1:

"for the love of christ, you're an adult now, can you please do your homework without needing me to yell"
"clean your room!!! youre an adult now!!!"
"why can't you be more responsible? be independent for once in your life!"

Personality #2:

"where are you going?... what? no! you are not going there.... no, do something age appropriate... go watch a hilary duff movie or something. you used to love lizze mcguire"
"you're not old enough to date yet."
"when you bring the boy home. sit in the living room. youre not allowed to go anywhere without supervision"
"why did you leave the house without asking me"
"why didn't you call me right away?"
"i thought the movie finished at 8. why did you stay out longer? if i find out you had sex im going to send you to a nunnery in the alps"
"what? what what are you doing watching movies like Knocked Up? trust me the penis isnt that great no need to see it. call your friends and tell them you're not watching."
"i dont care if you dont live here and youre in university! you're grounded!"


for those of you who can relate to crazy asian moms -


It's the muslim fasting month all over the world my friends, and what better way to celebrate that than to discuss one of life's greatest enigmas - Religion. A contraversial and dangerous "hieroglyph" in my life. and not mention a giant pain in my ass.

Here's something to stomach:
- there are 4,200 major pantheons in the world
- christianity alone has over 34,000 denominations.
- there are approx. 3,609 gods that have been worshipped.
- there is no scientific evidence proving god exists. those that claim they do have been manipulate to sound plausible.
- all followers depend on a holy book and blind faith
- recent reports show that for each person religion reforms one person develops negative traits such as racism. (and I'm not talking about your religion, eg. christianity causes the muslims to develop racism vice versa. same applies for the jews and many pantheons out there)
- most people don't gamble because of the 0.01% of winning.
- the chance that one specific god exists is less than 0.0002%
- we discriminate, hate, ostracize, kill, because of 0.0002%

Is it me? Or does this all seem a little insignifcant? Instead of trying to impose our religion and preach to others, how about we do something more resourceful with our time? Like reducing our carbon footprint, doing AIDS work, distributing food at a redcross, volunteering at a hospital? There are 6.7 billion people. Lets stop killing each and start doing a little good. I guarantee you those 6.7 billion people exist 100%. A pretty nice statistic over the 0.0002% don't you think ;)

'Hollow Is Thy Name'

I beg thee for mercy
Though I know thou spare none
And bow before thee
With sweat on my brow

Thou promised us Kingdom,
The glory and pride,
And now we just kneel
Before thy shadow

Thy brethren thou despise
Thy sons and daughters
What did thou find here?
On this darkened throne…

With broken promise and hate
Stil You rule us
Deceiever and liar
Oh, Lord Satan…

- TheFallenLegion

the world is hieroglyphic

"as children we are repeatedly told that life is simple. it is only after we are mature and break free from the comforts of childhood that we begin to understand we were lied to. the world may as well be written in hieroglyphs." - Anon.

we all strive to be unique and different. none of us desires to be a jane or john doe, but in terms of the world and we are unable to understand the inner workings of our universe and its inhabitants. in terms of the world you and i, well we're just jane and john doe.