Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Girls who think theyre pornstars and fake orgasms

You guys out there who get around know what I'm talking about. That one bitch who screams and acts as if you're Lexington fucking Steele. Which is great ego booster I guess, but when she gets so loud you can't concentrate on your dick it becomes a problem.

Lets get one thing straight: I'm a girl and I like cock, not vagina. So how do I know about this? Well I get the honor of listening to the asshole that lives above me fucking his nasty little fat chola girlfriend (who's 23 and a dealer). I normally wouldn't care, I'm not like most girls, I want you to get laid and I'm happy when you do.

But gentlemen, I do not want to here your whore scream. I dont care who the fuck you are NO ONE is that good. Sorry guys =( Especially when she looks like a phillipino oompa loompa. Preserve my mental sanity please.

Here's what I go to sleep to every night and wake up to every morning:

*thump thump thump*
*creak creak creak*
this continues for approximately 10 minutes (2 minute fucks and then he goes down on her.. yeah this guy is a tiny dicked stud hahahahha)

um what the fuck? what.the.fuck? I enjoy a little dirty talk in bed as much as the next person. But seriously how do you even feel your cock when your ugly whore is screaming like that. I mean seriously to get and maintain an erection with a girlfriend like his is hard enough. But jesus fucking christ someone needs to hit this bitch.

I mean it bugged me at first. But it's started affecting my sex life badly, my guy and I would be merrily boinking when these two fuckers start nailing each other and she opens her fucking blowhorn. We try and try to keep doing it, but eventually I dry up and become a little nauseas and my guy goes soft because the image of these two doing it just.... uggghhhhh *shudders*

So now I'm not getting any sleep, I can't study in my room, and I'm not getting laid. I'm taking action this weekend. I'll take pictures for you all hahahahahhahahaa

PS comment and give me your thoughts on screaming pornstar wannabes. Am I the only one that finds this disgusting? What would you do if your bitch wouldn't stop screaming? And give me revenge suggestions PLEASE!

oh and the bitch looks like this. i shit you not.

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